Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Underdog Shout Out Award: Most Likely to Hope You're Laughing WITH Me

We got another shout out request - this time NOT from an Eskimo though... It's a DC area mommy blogger (hope she's okay with that term): Not-Ever-Still Life with Girls. "Not-Ever-Still" writes about life as a working mom with two girls born between January 2006 and December 2007 (another baby buncher!).

Since she mainly writes about her girls, Not-Ever-Still felt that she would be the best candidate for the "Most Likely to Write an Innocent Post that Draws Twice as Many Pervs as Regular Readers" (apparently "girls" is a popular search item...) But that wouldn't fit well on a button. So we compromised with:


Some examples of why she's laughing:

The Call of the Wild

That Shower Fresh Feeling


Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice, That's What Little Girls Are Made Of

Welcome to Underdogs Unite, Not-Ever-Still! You are the 2009 Recipient of the Most Likely to Hope You're Laughing WITH Me award - and will hold this honor until 2010 when it will become up for grabs again.

That's right - I just made up a new rule. All awards (including self claimed ones) will be open to public voting the following year. So that means we'll also be opening up The Blog with the Eskimosist up for public competition... So get ready for a fight Eskimo Bob!


  1. Bring it - because I am the Eskimostist.

  2. I LOVE it! Thanks!

  3. I am down. I Won't be an eskimo, but maybe I can meet some in AK and bloga bout them. Watch out bob. :)
